This month I am celebrating living one year in Peru. It is pretty hard to believe that over a year ago, I left Charlottesville to venture off on a 2 year journey without really knowing what I was getting myself into. There have been ups and downs, to say the least. I have learned so many things about myself and the world that are not only surprising, but also disappointing, exciting, silly, thought-provoking, sad, and blissful. It is hard to put into words the range of emotions, discoveries, and thoughts that I have had in the past year. I have faced challenges that I had no idea I would have to face. I have met wonderful people who have broadened my perspective. I have seen situations of poverty that have changed my outlook on the world forever. I have participated in community and family events that I will never forget. I have started projects that hopefully are starting to improve the health and well-being of members of my community.
It’s weird to think that my time in Peru is not even half way over (27 months in total). But I am really looking forward to the rest of my Peace Corps service. When I got off of the plane a year ago, I was excited, but also really scared about what was to come. Now, I can confidently say that I am excited (but not scared) to continue to learn about myself and the world; and most importantly, make a positive impact in my community.
6 years ago