Friday, June 4, 2010

visita de mamita y papito

At the end of the May my parents came down to South America to visit me at my site and travel around Ecuador. It was so nice to have my parents spend some time with my Peruvian family and friends. Everyone here was also so excited to meet the gringa’s parents. My parents got a chance to see some of my projects and help out. We went to the two preschools and talked to the little kids about dental health and then handed out toothbrushes and toothpaste to all of them. They also came to a few of our sessions in the high school for the adolescent health program. Other than work, we walked around my valley, played with all of my host family kids, cooked with the family, and “enjoyed the company” of all of the farm animals. One day, they helped us with the construction of two improved stoves. I’m so glad that they got to get involved in the project. It was very special for me to have my parents live with me for a week and experience my very different life here.

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