Saturday, October 16, 2010

falta un mesito

It is really had to believe that I only have about a month left in Peru. After spending 27 months here, I have mixed feelings about going home. I am really excited about coming back to my friends and family, but it is going to be hard to say goodbye to my friends and family here. This experience has definitely come with its ups and downs. But overall, it has been and very rewarding two years. I know that my life will never be like it is now. I will never be living among rice fields and thousands of mango trees and passion fruit vines. I will never again be bathing in the river, carrying 20 liters of water on my head every morning, and using the bathroom in a hole in the ground or a bucket in my room. I will never again be so integrated into another culture and family so different from my own. I will always have the memory of my 27 months in the Peru, but it won’t be the same. I am doing everything I can to appreciate every single day that I have left.

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