Friday, March 5, 2010

¡meta logrado!

I would like to thank all of you who have contributed to our Improved Kitchen and Healthy Homes project. I was quite surprised to find out how quickly funds were raised. Thank you to all for your generousity to the community. Now that funding has been reached, I am starting to realize how much work I have ahead of me! Although I will continue to have other secondary projects, this stove project will be one of the main things that I will be focusing on this year. I am happy to report that the project has officially begun. All of the “socias” of the project have met and I have told them the good news. They are anxiously waiting for the rain to stop so that we can start with construction. Until then, we will be starting our health workshops so that they can start improving the conditions of their homes and health of their families. I have also met with the district mayor and he has agreed to support the project with transport of materials and a few additional materials that were not included in the original budget. I will be sure to keep all of you updated on our progress. Thanks again for your support!

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