Saturday, December 5, 2009

día internacional de VIH/SIDA

December 1 was World Aids Day. For months, the youth health promoters and I have been preparing a Healthy Lifestyles Fair to celebrate this day. Each grade was asked to prepare some sort of presentation for the fair to demonstrate what they had learned over the past few months from the peer health promoter’s campaign about sexually transmitted diseases, prevention of teen pregnancy, HIV/AIDS, and leading healthy lifestyles as adolescents. The students and teachers really impressed me with their creativity, participation and knowledge. The winning class, who all won t-shirts that have a message about the fight against HIV/Aids, did an entertaining skit about HIV. Another class did a creative radio commercial which we will air on the local radio station. After months of hard work and several bumps along the road, I am so happy that this healthy sexual lifestyles campaign ended so well.

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